
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ICDMerchandiseLineItemModifier
Physical Name : DO_LTM_ICD_MR_MDFR

A modifier that applies an allowance or a charge to a single line item on an ICDMerchandiseLineItem.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
InventoryControlDocumentID (FK)(PK) The reference number that uniquely identifies the InventoryControlDocument. ID_ICD Identity integer ICDMerchandiseLineItem(DO_LTM_ICD_MR)
InventoryControlDocumentLineItemID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the LineItem within the confines of the InventoryControlDocument. IC_LTM_ICD LineNumber smallint ICDMerchandiseLineItem(DO_LTM_ICD_MR)
InventoryControlDocumentLineModifierNumber (PK) A reference number against which a specific instance of a modifier is applied. IC_MDFR_LN LineNumber smallint
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRuleID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the rule denoting how a particular Charge or Allowance in an InventoryControlDocument is to be treated in the financial reporting systems. ID_ICD_CHG_ALW_RU Identity integer ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule(RU_ICD_CHG_ALW)
MonetaryAmount The monetary amount amendment resulting from the INVENTORY DOCUMENT MERCHANDISE LINE ITEM MODIFIER. MO_MDFR_LN Money decimal(16,5)
Percent The percent amendment resulting from the INVENTORY DOCUMENT MERCHANDISE LINE ITEM MODIFIER. PE_MDFR_LN Percent decimal(7,4)
ReasonCode The code which denotes the reason for the change made to a specific INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT MERCHANDISE LINE ITEM. RC_MDFR_LN Code2 char(2)
AccountingDispositionCode The code to denote as to how the amendment resulting from the INVENTORY DOCUMENT MERCHANDISE LINE ITEM MODIFIER will be accounted for within the STOCK LEDGER. DP_MDFR_LN Code4 char(4)
AllowanceOrChargeCode A code to denote whether a charge or allowance is applied to a specific merchandise control document line. LU_MDFR_ALW_CHG Code2 char(2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule defines processing for ICDMerchandiseLineItemModifier
ICDMerchandiseLineItem may modify ICDMerchandiseLineItemModifier

Logical Views containing ICDMerchandiseLineItemModifier

Logical View
Logical 02100 - Item Inventory - Macro View
Logical 02120 - Item Inventory - Order View
Logical 02130 - Item Inventory - Receiving View
Logical 04300 - Financial Ledger - Inventory Control View
Logical 21000 - Fresh Item Management Macro View